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Willkommen zum Setting Blog, der Wissensdrehscheibe, die dich über die neuesten Trends im Büro, Produktivitätshacks und die Zukunft der Arbeit auf dem Laufenden hält.

9 Tipps, die deine Produktivität und Motivation im Büro steigern

Wie kann ein gemütliches, clever-eingerichtetes Büro deine Produktivität steigern? Studien zeigen: In einem...

Interview with Robert Hinsch, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Torq Partners

For the third instalment in our office series, “What Does the Office Space Mean to You?”, Setting sat down with...

How to heat your office space this winter

As fall transforms into winter, and the energy crisis continues to worry people in the office and at home, many...

Interview with Linn Legros, Co-Founder and CEO of Brightside

For the second installment of our office series, “What Does the Office Space Mean to You?”, Setting sat down with...

How to Create a Hybrid Work Policy

“We need to find a way to make hybrid work.” It’s a sentence that is top of mind for many founders and managers, who...

What Is The Office To You? An Interview with Conradin Castell, CEO of mute-labs

To inaugurate our brand new interview series about what the office space means to founders in Berlin, Setting sat...

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