Büros In Berlin Kreuzberg mieten
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Finde heraus wieNeighborhood
Since 2001, the district of Kreuzberg is part of the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg administrative area. Due to the original urbanistic plans, Kreuzberg is one of the most densely populated districts of the city. The international and creative environment are particularly beneficial to innovative businesses. Even traditional companies such as BASF, Mercedes-Benz and Co. have moved to the district during the past years – together with a number of start-ups and young entrepreneurs. This unique mixture boosted the development of the area. The art scene is thriving more than ever.
The melting pot of cultures is an ideal environment for the diffusion of the most diverse culinary traditions. The only downside is that it will be hard to choose! Between Bergmannsstraße, Graefe-Kiez and Kottbusser Tor, you can find several high-quality restaurants. Right at the “Kotti” you can enjoy homemade dishes and specialties as well as delicious barista coffee in Kremanski. Not so often you run into a traditional Austrian restaurant: Jolesch is waiting for you!
Culture & Leisure
At the Jüdischen Museum, the history and the traditions of the Jewish people are presented in an extremely modern complex, designed by the architect Daniel Liebeskind. In the Martin-Gropius-Bau, the work of world-famous artists is regularly exhibited. If you need some contact with nature, you can enjoy the Viktoriapark waterfall right in the middle of the city, or alternatively, you can go for a walk alongside the typical canals. Creativity, Melting-pot, and Culture are the words that probably describe Kreuzberg the best.