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Willkommen zum Setting Blog, der Wissensdrehscheibe, die dich über die neuesten Trends im Büro, Produktivitätshacks und die Zukunft der Arbeit auf dem Laufenden hält.

Proptech - the Fintech of the real-estate industry?

With 'proptech' becoming the new buzzword, we piled the ABC what's behind the trend and why real-estate is the next...

6 must-have’s for your startup office space

We already know that an office is like an individual, each space has its own unique identity and personality,...

How we took bricks and mortar and turned it flexible

Over the past weeks, we’ve been asked from various sides about the story behind Setting and decided to share it in...

4 tips from startups to increase productivity in your office

Are you curious about how other companies operate and stay productive? Well we sure were and visited our network of...

Setting Member: UnderCovers

Sex simply sells. That's also been the experience of Jan Kroschinski and Stefan Moll and their sex-app UnderCovers....

Setting Member: WirNachbarn

Do you know all of your neighbours? Do your conversations go beyond the usual 'hi' in the hallway? CEO Philipp...

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