Office Bülowstraße 6

"Great, central office in Schöneberg with a view of the countryside"

Space ID: 4Nuq
Office 4Nuq Bülowstraße 6 in Berlin, Schöneberg


Fixed Desk

24 m²
fr. 250€ /month

About the space

The offices are on the ground floor of a modern building with large windows that was built in 1990 and last renovated in 2014. The house is very centrally located on Nollendorfplatz.

Located on the mezzanine floor, it lets in a lot of light, but no prying eyes from passers-by.

The office for rent has a large desk, 4 designer work chairs from Vitra, ceiling lighting and desk lamps.

The associated space is equipped with a conference room with comfortable armchairs, a great kitchen, WiFi, printer, postal service and there is delicious coffee and water. If desired, a chip for 24/7 access can be booked.

Bülowstraße 6, 10783 in Schöneberg Berlin

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