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Willkommen zum Setting Blog, der Wissensdrehscheibe, die dich über die neuesten Trends im Büro, Produktivitätshacks und die Zukunft der Arbeit auf dem Laufenden hält.

5 ways to reduce office costs in 2024

It’s 2024, and as the year kicks into gear, you may be contemplating how to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of...

Bürovertrag: 6 Dinge, auf die du achten solltest

Du hast dein Traumbüro gefunden, das ideal zu deinem Team und deinem Business passt. Es ist mehr als nur ein Raum -...

Interview with Octavian Lebert, CEO and Founder of forwaerds gmbh

For the fifth installment in our office series, “What Does the Office Space Mean to You?”, Setting sat down with...

The 9-Step Guide to Mastering Office Etiquette

Dirty dishes, forgotten glasses, or unlocked doors? How about cluttered desk spaces? Office etiquette is essential...

5 Tips To Get The Most Out of Your Offsites

Picture this: your whole team is at an offsite, gathered together in an inspiring setting, away from the distractions...

Interview with Luca Mastrorocco and Lorenzo Rossi, CEOs and Founders of REPLUG

For the fourth installment in our office series, Setting sat down with the magic duo: Luca Mastrorocco and Lorenzo...

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